There's an E. coli scare at Starbucks now, too

E. Coli Recall Linked to Celery Expands to More Stores
E. Coli Recall Linked to Celery Expands to More Stores

Bad celery just couldn't be satisfied with ruining all of Costco's chicken salad: The FDA grimly reports that as many as 155,000 food items containing the veggie could be carrying E. coli as well, mostly stuff like salad kits and and deli foods. But one item you might actually have eaten in the last week is Starbucks's Holiday Turkey & Stuffing Panini. Celery in the cranberry-cornbread stuffing has forced Starbucks to toss out more than 45,000 of them at 1,347 cafés in California, Oregon, and Nevada.

Starbucks says that nobody has reported getting sick yet. Still, 19 people in seven states have been infected by the tainted celery, and the massive recall has expanded to cover products at most of the major grocery chains (Walmart, Sam's Club, Albertsons, Safeway), plus 7-Eleven, Target, and quite a few other places across more than a dozen states. For the time being, best to get your roughage someplace else.

Learn about more recent E. coli cases:


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