Panhandler reveals he makes up to $200 an hour


A New York City panhandler makes shocking admission in a recent interview with the New York Post.

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Will Andersen, a 43-year old former theater stagehand, admits he makes up to $200 an hour from sympathetic New Yorkers.

%shareLinks-quote="On a Friday morning, I make $400 in two hours." type="quote" author="Will Andersen" authordesc="New York Post" isquoteoftheday="false"%

Andersen panhandles with his 9-year-old dog, Rizzo, on East 42nd Street between Vanderbilt and Madison avenues, as well as outside Grand Central. He admits that the dog helps tug on strangers' heartstrings as well.

The Grand Central Terminal bum ditched his typical spot after The Post reported that he rakes in as much as $200/hour while panhandling.

Posted by New York Post on Thursday, November 12, 2015

He also says that he's now able to rent a room for himself after being homeless for three years.

This shocking statement comes just days after NYPD commissioner Bill Bratton urged New Yorkers not to give vagrants any money if they want to improve the city's homeless crisis.

%shareLinks-quote="My best advice to the citizens of New York City: If this is so upsetting to you, don't give. One of the quickest ways to get rid of them is not to give to them." type="quote" author="Bill Bratton" authordesc="New York Post" isquoteoftheday="false"%

So we want to know, if you see a panhandler on the street, do you give them money?

New York City is cracking down on holiday panhandlers. Learn more here:

NYPD Cracking Down on Holiday Panhandling
NYPD Cracking Down on Holiday Panhandling

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