These are the 10 most prosperous countries in the world


Do you live in a prosperous nation? The Legatum Institute compiled a ranking of the most prosperous countries in the world. The report doesn't just consider the amount of money a country has as a defining factor, but rather a variety of 89 aspects related to each nation such as the per-capita gross domestic income, the number of people working full time, the number of secure Internet servers and how rested people feel on a day to day basis. The data enabled the researchers to consider elements such as economy, entrepreneurship, opportunities, governance, education, health, safety, personal freedom and social capital to break down the rankings and define what the most prosperous countries are.

You can view them in the gallery a the top of the article, or read the list here:

1 - Norway
2 - Switzerland
3 - Denmark
4 - New Zealand
5 - Sweden
6 - Canada
7 - Australia
8 - Netherlands
9 - Finland
10 - Ireland

The United States ranked at the 11th spot.

RELATED: Here are the best countries with the best quality of life:

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