Cat halloween costumes your cat will hate but will crack you up

Cat Halloween Costumes Your Cat Will Hate but Will Crack You Up
Cat Halloween Costumes Your Cat Will Hate but Will Crack You Up

Cats may hate dressing up for Halloween, but who can resist when cats in costumes are so darn hilarious?

So if you're planning to dress up your kitty in costume, here are some tips to make it work for both you and your cat:

1. Timing Is Everything

Keep the wearing time short and have make sure to keep your camera ready. If you know your cat won't really won't handle the costume, opt for a costume that's easy to remove, like 'Maleficent' horns or a 'Cat in the Hat' costume.

2. Suffering for Fashion

Again, remember that just about every costume is going to upset your cat. So be prepared by making sure to have treats handy to distract and placate your oet. It's not a bad idea to keep a few bandages on hand as well (and hope you won't need them).

3. Window Shopping

If you're not sure what to buy — or if you don't even have a cat, but just want to see them dressed in ridiculous costumes — hit the web. Try browsing costume stores, where you won't even believe how anyone even got the cats to pose for the product photos.

4. Go Digital

Make all the fuss worth it by picking the single most hilarious costume you can find. Get inspired by checking out some of the many clever costumes on Instagram, like "Shark Cat" and "Bad Cop." Note: there's no such thing as a cat "Good Cop" costume.

Ah, cats in costumes! The pictures are adorable, and the expressions are murderous.

If you need inspiration for humiliating your furry friend:

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