20 absolutely adorable cats to celebrate National Cat Day


You guys -- it's National Cat Day and we obviously couldn't be more excited! While these furry little guys are either loved or hated (there's usually no in-between), we can't deny that we absolutely adore them. A day to celebrate and acknowledge all the good things cats bring into our lives -- love, patience and kindness -- National Cat Day is celebrated worldwide by everyone from cat owners to animal shelters.

As for our personal little celebration, we decided to round up a few of the cutest kitties we could find on Instagram and share them with you. Take a look at the slideshow above and enjoy all the furry goodness, then take our quiz below and let us know whether you love cats or you honestly can't stand them! MEOW.

RELATED: Watch below for adorable cat Halloween costume ideas

Cat Halloween Costumes Your Cat Will Hate but Will Crack You Up
Cat Halloween Costumes Your Cat Will Hate but Will Crack You Up

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