Watch the NYC Fire Department's inspiring video to support LGBT youth

FDNY Firefighters Share Coming Out Stories in 'It Gets Better' Video
FDNY Firefighters Share Coming Out Stories in 'It Gets Better' Video

In honor of National Coming Out Day, which is celebrated on October 11th each year, "New York's Bravest" shared their touching stories to the LGBT youth community.

SEE MORE: 8 of the most touching 'coming out' videos on Youtube

In this video, twelve active FDNY firefighters, paramedics, and EMTs discuss the challenges they faced throughout their lives and the success they have found as LGBT adults, instilling the message "it gets better."

%shareLinks-quote="When the pain of where you're at is stronger than the fear of where you're going, then you'll move forward." type="quote" author="Luke Allen" authordesc="NYFD" isquoteoftheday="false"%

The NYFD's video is part of the larger initiative, "The It Gets Better Project," which was founded in 2010 as a way to tell the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth around the world that it's perfectly acceptable to be gay, and life goes on.

Among the FDNY's inspiring stories, there is a message of extreme hardship that eventually turns into love and acceptance. This is especially relevant as PFlag reports, "gay teens are 8.4 times more likely to report having attempted suicide."

One brave firefighter shares that she had suicidal thoughts in her past, and how glad she is to be where she is now. Ann Kansfield says, "Had I ended it, I would've missed so many wonderful things in my life."

%shareLinks-quote="Since that time, I've found a really healthy relationship with someone I truly love and I'm incredibly grateful to be married to, and we have really delightful children, and I have a healthy relationship with my parents and a really fulfilling career; and I never ever would have imagined it in that instance." type="quote" author="Ann Kansfield" authordesc="NYFD" isquoteoftheday="false"%

The first video to start the revolution was made by Dan Savage and his partner, Terry Miller. Watch their emotional video below:

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