7 incredible hacks for using toothpaste in more ways than simply brushing your teeth

7 Ways to Use Toothpaste
7 Ways to Use Toothpaste

So, you wake up in the morning, stretch, wash your face and prep your toothbrush with water and a dab of toothpaste. You quickly brush your teeth, more than likely rinse with mouthwash and smile at your freshly cleaned pearly whites. But throughout this morning routine, you probably didn't stop to think that your small dab of toothpaste can actually be used in more ways than just solely brushing your teeth.

Well, not to worry, that's what we're here for. Because here's the thing -- there ARE plenty of ways to use toothpaste in your everyday life that will completely change the game in a big way. From cleaning, to buffering, to polishing -- this mouth gel is actually an awesome, common household tool.

So, let's take a look at seven incredible toothpaste hacks that will seriously wow you.

Photo: Getty

1) Scrub dirty sneakers

Plop a little toothpaste onto a toothbrush then take the toothbrush and a damp cloth to scrub your sneakers squeaky clean.

2) Buff and shine nails

Believe it or not, teeth and nails are made up of a lot of the same components. Brushing with toothpaste will keep them strong and bright.

3) Polish jewelry

If your favorite jewels have become dull, give them new life with some toothpaste, a soft toothbrush and a damp cloth.

4) Relieve bug bites

This household staple is a great remedy for relieving itching and swelling.

5) Clear zits

While you've probably heard this one before, we simply have to reiterate is because it's SO effective. Dabbing a little toothpaste on zits overnight is great for drying and clearing them.

6) Remove crayon marks

If your little one has been a bit too "creative" with the crayolas, all you need is toothpaste and a little elbow grease to scrub marks off your wall.

7) Hand deodorizer

If you're cutting up stinky foods like onions, rubbing toothpaste on your hands before rinsing can help deodorize.

For more home DIY, click through below for natural acne remedies:

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