Self-driving taxis are hitting the roads in Japan very soon

Robot Taxis Revving Up for the 2020 Olympics
Robot Taxis Revving Up for the 2020 Olympics

Robot Taxi is the Japanese company that aims to commercialize self-driving vehicles for everybody's use. While a number of firms in the US are also experimenting with this technology, they currently don't have a monetization model at the center of their strategy, or at least not one that goes beyond the sale of these units to individuals. On the other hand, Robot Taxi wants to provide a service with its automated vehicles that will help people move around without the need to own one.

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The company will start putting its self-driving taxis on the streets in 2016 for testing rounds in an attempt to be fully functional by 2020, when Japan will host the Olympic games. Additionally, the service aims to take care of the increasingly older population that characterizes the demographic trends of the nation, as well as to provide affordable transportation for those living in remote areas.

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