This woman dances her way through labor with the Nae Nae

Watch Mom-to-Be Do 'Whip/Nae Nae' Between Contractions in Hospital Hallway
Watch Mom-to-Be Do 'Whip/Nae Nae' Between Contractions in Hospital Hallway

Labor can be a tough time to go through, but this woman figured out a way to make it an enjoyable experience not only for her and the baby, but also for everyone around her.

An Atlanta nurse posted a video on Facebook showing one of her patients dancing the Nae Nae. According to The Daily Dot, the woman was already going through contraptions and her cervix dilated to 6 centimeters. Earlier this year, another woman danced the Tootsee Roll just before giving birth to ease the process and not think of the pain:

Pregnant Woman Does 'Tootsie Roll' Dance to Lessen Labor Pains
Pregnant Woman Does 'Tootsie Roll' Dance to Lessen Labor Pains

The Nae Nae mom gave birth to her first child only a few hours after she danced in the hallway of the hospital and she posted photos of her baby on Facebook.

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