Man uses raccoon to start his breathalyzer-equipped car

In-Car Breathalyzers Taking The Place Of License Suspension
In-Car Breathalyzers Taking The Place Of License Suspension

Raccoons can be very handy when it comes to starting your car.

The photo of a police report was recently published on Imgur and revealed a very peculiar story.

After leaving a bar, a man in San Diego tried to start his car through the breathalyzer that only lets sober drivers activate the vehicle. After a few unsuccessful attempts, the man walked to a nearby park to find a raccoon, which he took back to the car and squeezed it to make it breathe into the breathalyzer. While the trick successfully turned on the engine, the poor animal passed out from excessive squeezing and was discarded on the floor of the car. The man drove away but the raccoon snapped out of the unconscious state and attacked the suspect, who lost control of the car and drove into a fence and ended up inside a swimming pool.

Here is the report:

GALLERY: Look what it's like to have 20 pet raccoons living in your house

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