This trick for poaching an egg in the microwave just made brunch a whole lot easier

How to Poach an Egg
How to Poach an Egg

When it comes to eggs, we all know there are so many tasty ways to enjoy them. From scrambled, to hard-boiled, to over-easy -- the options are endless and there's really no complaining about that. But when heading out on a nice Sunday brunch with friends, often times all we can think about is a delicious plate of eggs Benedict. Ah, yes, the perfect brunch dish consisting of an English muffin, Canadian bacon, hollandaise sauce and arguably the most important puzzle piece -- poached eggs!

Photo: Getty

After all, what would eggs Benedict BE without those perfectly cooked eggs laid right on top? We're going to assume you love poached eggs as much as us (because you probably do), and say that not a lot of foods quite do a piece of toast or a brunch dish justice like this style of eggs does. But what if we were to tell you that you can easily cook them at home with virtually no hassle?

SEE ALSO: A brilliant food hack for scrambling eggs

If we've got your attention, then listen closely, because we have a way to cook poached eggs in the microwave that will take your brunch skills to a whole new level. We know what you might be thinking -- "microwaved eggs? Gross!" Well, think again, because poaching eggs in the microwave makes for a meal just a delicious as if you got it at your favorite brunch spot.

Here's how it works:

  • You'll need 1 egg, 1/3 cup water and 1/2 teaspoon vinegar

  • Crack the egg into a microwave-safe bowl or mug.

  • Pour in about 1/3 cup water and add a bit of vinegar

  • Cover the bowl or mug with a microwave-safe plate and cook on 50% to 80% power for 60 seconds.

  • Carefully remove the plate and check egg. (If it is not done yet, return to microwave and cook on 50% power in 20 second bursts)

  • Remove water and enjoy!

Craving more tasty creations? Click through below for delicious hamburger recipes:

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