Non-Catholics share their support for Pope Francis


On Tuesday afternoon, Pope Francis will be greeted by President Obama at a military base just outside Washington, D.C. This is Pope Francis' first visit to the United States, and it's Obama's first time personally welcoming a foreign visitor upon arrival. The gesture comes as no surprise, though, as Obama considers Pope Francis a valuable ally, especially after Francis spoke out on issues including immigration, criminal justice reform and economic inequality. In fact, Obama isn't the only fan Pope Francis has won over. Several non-Catholic and non-religious people took to Whisper, the popular app that provides an anonymous platform for people to share their most honest thoughts, to share why they support Pope Francis.

See more coverage of the pope's visit:Why young people like the pope more than the church

People love him for who he is, not just his religious beliefs:

I'm not even Catholic, but Pope Francis is probably my favorite person on the planet.
I'm not even Catholic, but Pope Francis is probably my favorite person on the planet.

He eases the divide between religious and non-religious beings:

Pope Francis really gives me hope for the Catholic Church even though I'm not a huge supporter of organized religion.
Pope Francis really gives me hope for the Catholic Church even though I'm not a huge supporter of organized religion.

He inspires people from a variety of backgrounds with different beliefs and values:

Even as an Atheist, I completely idolize Pope Francis. He is an amazing human being and an inspiration.
Even as an Atheist, I completely idolize Pope Francis. He is an amazing human being and an inspiration.

He provides hope for those frustrated with certain aspects of the Catholic Church:

Not Catholic but I like pope Francis he reminds me of Obama in the way that it's a change of the old guard.
Not Catholic but I like pope Francis he reminds me of Obama in the way that it's a change of the old guard.

He may not inspire religious beliefs in everyone, but he certainly proves himself as a leader:

I'm not even Catholic and I can't get over how amazing I think Pope Francis is. He is such a wonderful example of power used with grace.
I'm not even Catholic and I can't get over how amazing I think Pope Francis is. He is such a wonderful example of power used with grace.

And perhaps he just might inspire religious beliefs in some:

Sometimes I wish I was catholic because I think the pope is so cool
Sometimes I wish I was catholic because I think the pope is so cool

He strips away exterior issues and brings focus back to important matters at hand:

Pope Francis gives me hope in religion again... I've been agnostic for years now.
Pope Francis gives me hope in religion again... I've been agnostic for years now.

He bridges the divide between religious values and human values:

I'm not Catholic.  But Pope Francis is so wonderful.  Take note, people. Love and compassion.  That's how you practice religion, or just humanity.
I'm not Catholic. But Pope Francis is so wonderful. Take note, people. Love and compassion. That's how you practice religion, or just humanity.

Because he accepts others, others accept him:

I'm not even Catholic but I greatly respect Pope Francis for how he is trying to change the ideas of the Catholic Church to be less biased. I want to shake his hand.
I'm not even Catholic but I greatly respect Pope Francis for how he is trying to change the ideas of the Catholic Church to be less biased. I want to shake his hand.

He also weighs in on important social issues:

I'm not Catholic but I think Pope Francis is awesome because he supports breastfeeding in public.
I'm not Catholic but I think Pope Francis is awesome because he supports breastfeeding in public.

He knows that the key to strength and acceptance is an open mind:

I'm Muslim but I really love Pope Francis. I wish my religion could be so open like that.
I'm Muslim but I really love Pope Francis. I wish my religion could be so open like that.

In the end, it all comes down to love:

I'm a Christian who left the Catholic Church for a lot of reasons but tbh Pope Francis has my support forever. He's doing what we should be doing- loving everyone.
I'm a Christian who left the Catholic Church for a lot of reasons but tbh Pope Francis has my support forever. He's doing what we should be doing- loving everyone.

And allowing love of humankind to spread acceptance and perspective:

I'm not catholic but I respect this Pope Francis. He definitely looks at the world differently than the others.
I'm not catholic but I respect this Pope Francis. He definitely looks at the world differently than the others.

Because the world can be a happier, better place with a little extra acceptance:

Pope Francis makes me want to be Catholic. Thank you for opening the Church up to the world.
Pope Francis makes me want to be Catholic. Thank you for opening the Church up to the world.

Pope Francis doesn't fear change. He embraces it:

I am not religious but I am very impressed with how much pope Francis is changing things.
I am not religious but I am very impressed with how much pope Francis is changing things.

By doing so, he changes the perspectives of others:

I am more of an atheist but Pope Francis is giving me some hope that not all religions are awful!
I am more of an atheist but Pope Francis is giving me some hope that not all religions are awful!

For more confessions about Pope Francis, ​check out Whisper.

Watch this video to learn more about Pope Francis' visit to the United States:

Excitement Builds Over Pope Francis' Visit to the U.S.
Excitement Builds Over Pope Francis' Visit to the U.S.

Read more special coverage on Pope Francis' visit to the U.S.
Can a papal visit cure what ails American Catholicism?
Why young people like the pope more than the church
