The best quick and effective exercises for the busy bee in all of us

Great Ways to Fit a Workout Into Your Busy Parenting Schedule
Great Ways to Fit a Workout Into Your Busy Parenting Schedule

It's no secret that staying in shape when you've got a million things going on in life is hardly easy -- but it's certainly possible. Sure, you may have a 9 to 5 job, 3 kids at home and are trying to maintain your social life as much as possible (if at all), so you're probably asking yourself "when can I possibly make time to work out?" We've got the answer!

It's not as hard as you might think to manage your hectic life while staying in shape. This is because there are a few awesome and efficient exercises you can do in-between the daily chaos that can help you look (and feel) awesome throughout the day.

Wondering what they are? Look no further than the list we've created for you below. Get sweating!

1) Calf raises

2) Chair dips

3) Lunges

4) Squats

5) Planks

Click through below for more workout inspiration from our favorite celebs:

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