'Umbrella dad' is the Internet's newest obsession for all the right reasons

The Umbrella That Allows You Text
The Umbrella That Allows You Text

While umbrellas are allowing you the ability to text, like the one in the video above, not everyone is focused on sending that urgent message right away...especially this dad.

A simple photo of a father holding an umbrella over his child is gaining quite the attention all over the Internet.

Posted a sites like Imgur, Reddit and 9Gag, the photo shows a father holding an umbrella over his son, allowing himself to get completely soaked while his son remains dry. Needless to say, it renders us with a collective "aww."

How adorable, right?

The image was supposedly taken in Vancouver and simple reads with the headline "Dads." Many took to comment on the adorable photo, one user stating that the image "hit them right in the feels."

Click through the slideshow below to see some awesome celeb dads with their kids!

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