Khan Academy is on a mission to provide free education to anyone

Khan Academy - You Can Learn Anything
Khan Academy - You Can Learn Anything

Khan Academy is a 501(c)3 non-profit with a mission of providing a free world-class education for anyone, anywhere.

They provide thousands of free lessons (practice exercises, instructional videos, written articles) from basic math to college-level biology and art history, together with enabling tools (learning dashboards, teacher resources) for students and teachers to personalize their learning and teaching.

In 2015, they had 26M registered students and ​​over 1M registered teachers across 190 countries using Khan Academy resources.

Most people are held back by not by their innate ability, but by their own mindsets. For instance, they believe that intelligence and talent is fixed, e.g., "Oh, I'm just not good at math." However, contrary to this view, the latest academic research finds that intelligence is not fixed and that we can take control of our ability to learn.

Your brain is like a muscle - the more you use it and push it, the more it grows. We can therefore all become better learners - we just need to adopt a "growth mindset" and build our brains in the right way. The "You Can Learn Anything" video was inspired to encourage our learners to adopt a "growth mindset," reject self-imposed limitations on their capabilities and take charge of their own learning.

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