Embarrassing sign fail welcomes tourists to 'Penis Island'

Road Sign Error Welcomes Tourists To 'Penis Island'
Road Sign Error Welcomes Tourists To 'Penis Island'

A punctuation error on a Gaelic road sign has mistakenly greeted visitors to the Scottish Isle of Bute with "Welcome to Penis Island."

For the past, the Gaelic phrase "Fáilte gu Baile Bhoid" has been posted on a sign welcoming tourists to the picturesque Isle of Bute off the southwestern coast of Scotland. It translates to "Welcome to the beauty of Penis Island." Add an apostrophe over the "o," and suddenly it means "Welcome to the beauty of the Isle of Bute."

The error was spotted by a native Gaelic speaker who posted the mistake on the internet. Most thought the mistake was funny, but not one local politician.

"It makes us look bloody stupid," Len Scoullar told The Scotsman. "I'm not a Gaelic speaker but I would apologise to people who are Gaelic speakers and we will rectify it right away."

However, he shouldn't be too embarrassed. A 2011 census found that only one point one percent of Scots can speak the ancient language. The "Penis Island" punctuation error has been rectified.

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