4 ways to reduce stress before bed

4 Ways To Reduce Stress Before Bed
4 Ways To Reduce Stress Before Bed

We've all heard different tricks to falling asleep, but these are a few tips that sleep doctors swear by.

Hitting the gym after work can help you zonk out -- and a recent Swiss study suggests that doing an intense workout an hour and a half before bed may help you fall asleep faster, by reducing your hormone stress levels.

Or how about reading? Most sleep experts say you shouldn't use your bed for anything other than sleep and sex, but more and more say, reading in bed is okay too. /tossing and turning is stressful and causes your body to release adrenaline, but distracting your mind with a good book allows the body's fatigue to take over.

Also, listening to calming music can help you fall asleep, and some say it even extends the length and depth of your sleep as well.calming music can lower your heart rate and blood pressure, helping you relax.

Many of us lie awake at night thinking about what we need to get done the next day. To try and avoid this, write your to do list before you hit the sheets, so you can sleep with a clear mind.
