Grieving husband plants nearly four and a half miles of sunflowers to honor his wife

Widower Plants Miles Of Sunflowers For Late Wife
Widower Plants Miles Of Sunflowers For Late Wife

A grieving widower fulfilled a promise he made to his late wife by planting nearly four-and-a-half miles of sunflowers in her honor.

Don Jaquish planted the four-and-a-half-mile long, 60ft wide sunflower field along Wisconsin State Road 85 in tribute to his wife Babbette, who in November lost a nine year battle with cancer.

Janquish, who resides in Eau Claire, told local ABC News affiliate that sunflowers were always her favorite and that they best described her personality. "She's always loved flowers, but sunflowers were her favorite. They fit her personality. She'd walk into a room and her smile would light up a whole room."

The sunflower patch now stretches over five farms, but the owners of the farms told Janquish that he could use as much as he needed because everyone loved her.

The seeds harvested from the sunflowers will be sold with the proceeds going to help other cancer patients as part of a charity called "Babbette's Seeds of Hope."

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