This amazing New York eatery is basically Chipotle with French fries


A group of childhood besties from the suburbs of Philadelphia just made our dreams come true with the magical Burlap Sack Potato Eatery, also dubbed the "Irish Chipotle." The Manhattan gem is located at 507 Third Avenue (201 E. 34th St.) and provides a hearty base of potatoes covered with a plethora of toppings. See? It's very Chipotle-esque. Customers even have the option to use rice as a base if they're not feeling the potato vibe.

However, why would we substitute rice for the base when we can get FRENCH FRIES? That's right, the magnificent eatery is giving us everything we ever hoped for by providing French fries, sweet potato fries, and even classic tater tots as base options.

For those readers who ever had to decide between a French-fry-famous food chain and Chipotle for dinner (and lunch...and a late night snack), Burlap Sack Potato Eatery is for you. While the eatery is only available in Manhattan right now, we have a feeling it'll be blowing up around United States college campuses pretty soon. This bad boy will be bringing the infamous freshman fifteen to new heights.

According to Burlap Sack's website, the concept evolved when the group first tried Canada's famous dish, poutine. Poutine is essentially a heap of French fries smothered in gravy and melted cheese. The crew took the concept to a whole new Americanized level by incorporating more potato, meat, cheese, and sauce options. Thus, the delicious dish offers all major food groups!

These made-to-order dishes are about to take the country by storm and we can't wait. Nothing sounds better than a glorious mountain of freshly cut French fries topped with melted cheese, hearty meat, and savory sauces. Excuse us while we wipe the drool from our chins.

Better yet, Burlap Sack is committed to only using naturally raised ingredients. Their meat is anti-biotic free and their vegetables are non-GMO. This place seriously sounds like a dream. We can't wait to throw on our stretchy pants and head over soon! Watch out delicious French fries, we're coming for you.

Watch this video for the trick to making the perfect french fries:

The Trick to Making French Fries
The Trick to Making French Fries

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