Every self-conscious thought men have on first dates

Awkward Things That Always Happen on a First Date
Awkward Things That Always Happen on a First Date

As we spend minutes (read: hours) prepping for a first date, a plethora of insecurities come rushing into our heads. If I wear heels, will I be taller than he is? Should I order the cheapest thing on the menu? What if I'm over-dressed for this restaurant?

The old adage "picture the audience in their underwear" that helps people get over stage-fright just might prove useful in the dating world as well. No, don't actually picture your date in his underwear (unless he's super attractive, amiright?). What we mean by this is that men get insecure on first dates too. It might help ease your nerves if you know what he's nervous about.

Therefore, we sat down with a handful of twenty-something men to dig into their first date mentalities. Here are all the things men get self-conscious about on first dates.

1. What should I do when we run out of things to talk about? These guys can only discuss today's perfectly normal and not at all interesting weather for so long, you guys.

2. If I act like myself, will she think I'm being weird? Guys want to show us their sense of humor or weird quirks right away, but they get self-conscious about sharing too much too soon. They're just as cautious as we are when it comes to playing it cool.

3. It's seriously hot in here, is my forehead sweating? Am I sweating through my shirt? Some guys are just sweaty by nature! Look at Shawn from this season's "The Bachelorette." They just can't help that extra forehead shine, especially in close corners such as an intimate restaurant.

4. Do my jokes offend her? While most guys try to stay PC and steer clear of anything offensive, nerves have a way of getting the best of us. If he says something that merits a red flag, try to give him the benefit of the doubt before jumping to conclusions. Perhaps a three-strike system should go into play on the first date. Okay, maybe a two-strike system.

5. Is there something on my face? While we sit there freaking out that perhaps our makeup got a bit smudged or our hair is getting frizzy, the guy across the table is equally worried that a giant booger has taken up residence on his face. First dates should be a judgement-free zone.

6. Can I order a third drink? Nobody wants to get wasted on a first date, but a little buzz certainly helps calm the nerves. However, the only thing worse than being stone-cold sober is drinking alone. He doesn't want to go for that second or third drink if he thinks you're judging him for it.

7. What if I order too much food and get stomach problems? It's hard to tell the difference between being full and having first-date stomach butterflies. Nobody wants to overdo it and feel uncomfortable for the rest of the night.

8. Will she want to keep hanging out after dinner? Everyone dreads the end of the meal (unless the date is awful). It's only 9:30 PM on a Friday and you don't really want to go home and watch "Family Guy" by yourself. But if a guy asks to hang out he worries that she'll think he's moving too fast. Is it too much face time in one night?

9. Should I kiss her? The dreaded question. What's with the whole "guys make the first move" deal anyway? Girls are perfectly capable of going for it!

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