4-year-old boy died when he inhaled a common household spice

Dangers of the Cinnamon Challenge
Dangers of the Cinnamon Challenge

When Brianna Radar found her 4-year-old son playing in the kitchen one afternoon, she had no idea of the danger he was in. While exploring the kitchen, Matthew Radar found a container of cinnamon powder and put some in his mouth. A little over an hour later, he was pronounced dead.

Within seconds after eating the cinnamon, little Matthew began seizing. He collapsed and was rushed to the hospital. Coroners reportedly deemed Matthew's death an accident as cinnamon can cause asphyxiation when inhaled. Brianna only turned her back for a minute. She wants people to know that it could happen to anyone, even the best and most attentive mothers.

Losing my Matty man has definitely taken its toll on me. And coming back home has really hit me hard. I wake up every...

Posted by Brianna Rader on Friday, June 19, 2015

Brianna decided to share her tragic story in an effort to save other children from Matthew's same fate, especially in light of the viral Cinnamon Challenge.

The Cinnamon Challenge is an Internet food challenge in which people film themselves swallowing a spoonful of cinnamon in under on minute without water. Some participants in the challenge have experienced major gagging and breathing difficulties. Brianna wants people to know how badly the challenge can go. She said:

"People don't think about the fact that it can hurt them."

Brianna couldn't save her own child, so she wants to make sure other families do not experience the tragedy she endured. Cinnamon is not a spice to toy around with.

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