Bikini-clad mom in stroller ad sparks Internet outrage

Bikini-Clad Mom In Stroller Ad Sparks Internet Outrage
Bikini-Clad Mom In Stroller Ad Sparks Internet Outrage

Bugaboo, a high-end stroller manufacturer, is on the receiving end of the Internet's rage after a controversial photo hawking their latest stroller for active moms made its way onto social media.

The image posted to Bugaboo's Facebook and Instagram accounts features a model jogging while wearing only a black-and-white bikini as she pushes her two-year-old in the Bugaboo Runner.

Reaction to the advertisement was swift:

"Totally ridiculous photo. At least have something realistic," said one Facebook user.

"I can almost see her uterus...Come on Bugaboo...who are you trying to sell these to?!" said another.

The negative reaction spurred a bit of a counter-reaction:

"Really ladies? Are you that judgemental or jealous that you have to question what she is running in? Women should support each other not tear each other down because you feel inadequate," said one heavily-liked comment.

Some took the advertisement in stride: "So thaaaat's what I have been doing wrong.....I need to jog with my baby in a Bugaboo to get my beach body back," joked one mother.

Bugaboo only directly responded to a comment about the $800 stroller's mechanics. The company has since released a general statement suggesting the model does, in fact, jog in a bikini.

Check out celebrity moms and their little ones:
