5 tell-tale signs he IS just that into you


All too often, we find ourselves smitten by nice guys yet weary and unsure of wether the feeling is requited. Even if a guy appears to be flirting with us, pop culture and advice columns have taught us that in many situations when we believe we're feeling a mutual vibe with a potential love interest, he's actually just not that into us.

This obviously isn't always the case. Plenty of women meet great guys, fall in requited love, get married, and have children. However, before any of us can live out our post-chick flick happily ever after fantasies, we must obsessively analyze the nature of our relationships and determine once and for all whether the men we've pegged as the future male protagonists of our love stories are actually into us.

Don't push a guy away just because you're afraid of appearing desperate or overly interested. He just may like you as much as you like him and together you'll sail away into the sunset sipping champagne and laughing about how silly you were to ever doubt his feelings. Or maybe you'll just hookup a few times. Either way, here are the tell-tale signs that he really is just that into you.

1. He shares what's important to him with you. Aka he bothers with letting you know him. If he didn't care for you, he wouldn't share information about his life with you. Think about it, if some annoying stalker was texting you invasive questions about your passions and hobbies, you would probably either leave him hanging or tell him something short and boring, right?

2. He goes out of his way to see you. When you're just getting to know someone, a huge sign as to whether or not he's feeling it is whether or not he acts on it. If he's at his apartment and you tell him you're out at a bar, you know he likes you if he leaves to meet up with you. Don't overthink this one. If he goes out of his way in any shape or form, he likes you.

3. He gets upset with or over you. If you say something he finds rude or offensive, he'll likely just brush it off and ignore it if he's not that into you. However, if he genuinely values your opinions because he thinks he likes you, he might just care enough to get upset when you dish out a less-than-pleasing surprise. Please do not use this bit of knowledge to say something rude or offensive! It's never worth potentially hurting or upsetting someone just to get a reaction.

4. He keeps the conversation going. This one's simple yet surprisingly underrated. If you text him and he doesn't want to talk to you, he'll respond with short answers that don't require any follow up. Or, he'll simply ignore your text. When he asks you questions or makes any sort of effort to continue the conversation, that means he's either the nicest guy ever (like, unrealistically nice) or he genuinely wants to talk to you.

5. He makes plans with you. If you guys have plans to get drinks after work tomorrow, rejoice! Don't sit around contemplating whether or not this means he likes you. If he didn't like you, why would he make plans to get drinks with you after work tomorrow? If you didn't like him, would you still be getting drinks with him after work tomorrow? Probably not.

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