Wacky talking dog PSA warns of the dangers of leaving pets in hot cars

Wacky Talking Dog PSA Warns of the Dangers of Leaving Pets in Hot Cars
Wacky Talking Dog PSA Warns of the Dangers of Leaving Pets in Hot Cars

Just in case you haven't gotten the message that leaving your dog in your hot car is dangerous and cruel— here it is straight from a dog's mouth: "dogs die in hot cars even with the windows down." This comes from one of the wackiest public service announcement any government has ever created.

The PSA is the work of the San Bernardino County California District Attorney's office — which figured humor would help it draw more attention to a serious issue. The video features the collar-and-tie-wearing, dramatic-talking Buddy -- and his squeaky-voiced partner Happy — using things like song, math, and hilariously crude animation to remind people that leaving a dog in a hot car is both dangerous for them, and against the law for you.
