Where dreams are made or crushed? The best and worst parts of moving to a big city


You've spent your life trapped in an insular suburb just waiting to grow up so that you can break free and explore life in a big city. You fully expect your new city life to emulate those portrayed on "Sex and the City," "Girls," and "Friends." While city living does offer a plethora of adventures and excitement, it can also be extremely frustrating and scary. The pros and cons are both infinite.

Pro: The city is your oyster. You now have the freedom to explore monuments, museums, trendy restaurants, hipster-esque bars, and a plethora of tourist attractions. Run free!

Con: It's a really really expensive oyster. Cities are almost always more expensive than other locations. Good luck hitting up all the coolest sites with rent to pay on an hourly salary.

Pro: You can be anyone you want to be. Nobody knows you so you can try out different looks and let your freak flag fly. Literally nobody cares what you do. You could run through the street in a bathing suit in February and hardly any heads will turn. This is your chance to figure out who you are and who you want to be without being trapped under the speculation and judgment of those around you.

Con: Nobody knows you and literally nobody cares what you do. You may have hated living in a town in which your laundry was hung out for the world to see, but you're going to miss all of the familiar faces as you wander around your new stranger-filled grocery store.

Pro: You finally have that iconic apartment complete with exposed brick and a fire escape to make you feel like a true city girl.

Con: You have to share that "iconic" apartment with 4 roommates and a cockroach. Did we mention the low water pressure? Oh and it looks like your tub might have a mold problem.

Pro: There are so many eligible bachelors in the city! This is the perfect place to find love. It's time to channel your inner Jennifer Hudson in the "Sex and the City" movie and search for a man in this exciting new environment.

Con: There's a reason Jennifer Hudson goes back to her St. Louis boyfriend in the movie. There may be many fish in the city's sea, but fishing is much harder than the movies make it seem. How are you supposed to meet anyone in such an overwhelming, bustling place?

As the saying goes, the grass is always greener on the other side. While living in a big city can be enlivening and thrilling, it can also be a pain in the butt. You just have to weigh the pros and cons and decide what matters to you most. Don't worry, you'll find your niche! It just takes some time and adjustment.

Watch this video to see the world's best cities to live in:

The World's Best Cities
The World's Best Cities

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