Which Animals Kill The Most Humans In The US?


Which Animals Kill The Most Humans In The U.S.
Which Animals Kill The Most Humans In The U.S.

About 200 Americans are killed per year by animals, according to one study, and the most common perpetrators may be surprising.

A recent Washington Post analysis of government data between 2001 and 2013 found that the main culprits are flying insects such as bees, wasps, and hornets which kill an average of 58 people annually.

The cause is mostly from anaphylactic shock due to an allergic reaction to the sting.

Running a relatively close second at 52 deaths a year are miscellaneous mammals including deer, horses, and pigs.

Dogs are next with 28 human victims, and cows kill about 20, mostly farm handlers.

This means that cows cause 2 0 times the human fatalities as sharks, alligators, and bears which are perceived as the most ferocious animals but only claim a victim a year each.

Last year, Bill Gates reported that globally, mosquitos are the deadliest animals for humans at 725,000 deaths—mostly through the transmission of malaria and other diseases.

He also tweeted they are much more dangerous than lions which kill about 100 people annually.
