Why it's important to keep your friends when starting a new relationship

The Health Benefits of Best Friends
The Health Benefits of Best Friends

Dating someone new is always exciting. You've finally gotten past the hurdles of who initiates the texts, what to text in response, and when to have the "so what exactly are we doing here?" conversation. Your BFF helped you through all of those stages, but you're ready to take the reins from here.

As excited as you are to spend more time with the new bf, don't pencil the BFF out of your social calendar. Remember that not too long ago you were the one making fun of couples who obsess over each other and kiss in public. There's nothing wrong with being in a relationship, but it doesn't need to be your only relationship.

You want your BFF to like your boyfriend. If she doesn't, your life will become much more complicated. If he takes up all of your time, she'll resent him for "stealing you away from her." No matter how cool he is or how much they have in common, your BFF and boyfriend can't get along if they're constantly competing for your attention.

You also need to keep in mind that the "I-want-to-spend-every-second-with-you-because-we-get-along-so-well-and-you-make-me-laugh-all-the-time-and-you're-so-cute" stage of your new relationship will eventually come to an end. When he's out drinking with the guys, you don't want to be sitting at home alone because you ditched all of your friends at the start of your relationship.

You might be over the club scene and not interested in dressing up, but you will seriously miss those wine, pizza, and 'The Bachelorette' nights at your BFF's apartment. Plus, spending some time apart will give you more to talk about with the boyf when you hang out the next day.

You need someone to talk to about your relationship! When he forgets about the plans you made to see the new 'Hunger Games' film together or he starts leaving the door open when he pees, you're going to need a friend to vent to about it. That friend won't be there if you ignore her during the honeymoon stage.

Don't implement boundaries on your friendship that didn't used to exist. You're going to miss barging into her room to hyperventilate the second you find out Fox has dropped 'The Mindy Project'. You're also going to miss analyzing her weekend hookup or poking fun at her insanely messy eating habits. These sentiments stop being appreciated when people feel neglected.

Being around friends makes us happy, relieves our stress, and makes us smarter. Our friends benefit our health. By making time for friends while in a relationship, the relationship maintains its spark and stays healthy.

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