See the smart water bottle that reminds you when to drink up

A Water Bottle That Glows When You Should Drink More Water
A Water Bottle That Glows When You Should Drink More Water

We all know drinking water is essential to living a healthy life.

Water makes up more than half of our bodies after all!

But if you're like most Americans, you struggle to drink the daily recommended intake: Eight 8 ounce glasses a day, or half a gallon.

In an attempt to help solve this problem, HidrateMe was developed.

The Kickstarter initially requested $30,000 but has now exceeded $240,000 dollars.

According to the website, the HidrateMe bottle is a 24-ounce BPA-free bottle that contains a sensor stick that tracks how much you drink throughout the day. It communicates with the Hidrate app on your phone and glows when it's time to drink more or when you've reached your goal. The battery lasts for over a year, so you don't have to hassle with recharging it. The bottle comes in clear, turquoise, green, black, and pink, and features a chic geometric-faceted design.

What more could you want?

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