Man arrested after using pizza as a weapon

Man Arrested After Using Pizza as a Weapon
Man Arrested After Using Pizza as a Weapon

Pizza is wonderful isn't it?

It's delicious, everyone loves it, and it kinda just makes everything better, right? Unless it's used as a weapon. Which honestly, is just disrespectful to the pizza.

Florida man Daniel Plunkett was arrested for simple battery after allegedly getting into a fight with his roommate over pizza. We don't know the specifics of the fight - only that it was about pizza.

According to police, the argument escalated and ended with Daniel throwing a hot slice at his roommate and hitting her hand. She didn't have any injuries, but the report says she, "had pizza sauce on her right shoulder and cleaned up prior to arrival."

But there's some confusion here because Daniel denies all of this and claims it was his roommate who threw the pizza. Even the report says Daniel was "not wearing a shirt and had pizza sauce on his chest and shorts."

Daniel is being held without bond not only because he wasted some pizza, but because he was violating the terms of his felony probation - he has convictions for drunk driving and driving without a license.
