New test can reveal all viruses you have ever had

New Test Can Reveal All Viruses You Have Ever Had
New Test Can Reveal All Viruses You Have Ever Had

A new breakthrough test has been developed that can detect the presence of pretty much every virus that has triggered an immune response in a person.

Called VirScan, it is remarkably inexpensive at $25 and only requires a partial drop of blood.

The test works based on the fact that antibodies are very specific to the viruses they were created to fight.

Since traces of the immune response often remain in the system, they become a record-keeper of sorts for past invaders.

The diagnostic component incl udes a database of all documented human viruses which encompasses about 1,000 strains originating from 206 species.

This new method could mark a vast improvement to the current system where doctors are typically only able to test for one suspected virus at a time.

569 people from around the world took the test, and ten common viruses were found among them including the flu and stomach-related strains.

Check out the slideshow below for a microscopic look at common viruses:
