Nick Offerman shaved his mustache and we're all freaking out

Nick Offerman Shaved His Mustache and We're All Freaking Out
Nick Offerman Shaved His Mustache and We're All Freaking Out

So, what's the first thing that pops into your mind when you think of Nick Offerman?

If you said his trademark Ron Swanson mustache, welcome to the club. So, imagine our utter shock when we saw this Thursday night on "Conan" ...

"You shaved the iconic Nick Offerman mustache," said Conan O'Brien on "Conan."

"Yes, the headline is, 'Character Actor Changes Look,'" said Nick Offerman.

NO, NICK, NO! Why would you shave that glorious hunk of 'stache?!

And we're apparently not the only ones having a follicle freakout about this mustache-gate disaster.

"In social media, it's been pointed out to me that people say very mean things to me. I want to let them know that it's my face they're referring to," said Nick.

Some examples of those very mean things people are saying on Twitter — "Nick Offerman without the mustache is really just Nick Offerboy," "Nick Offerman with out his mustache is like a hairless cat: they're both scary and make me uncomfortable" and, arguably the meanest tweet, "NICK OFFERMAN HAS NO MUSTACHE ON CONAN UGH NASTY WTF BYE." Ouch.

But Nick isn't letting all this 'stache shade get to him.

He told The Hollywood Reporter last month, "I'm so grateful that Ron Swanson and Parks and Rec worked so well that it makes people angry that I would dare look different. I understand that it's a compliment when they say it makes them puke when they see me!"

We think it's safe to say Ron Swanson wouldn't take all this as a compliment, sir.

GROW IT BACK, NICK. Okay thanks, bye.
