Social media fiends are sounding off on lazy politicians


The council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW) is expected to release the 2015 congressional ratings aka "Pig Book" aka "the book Washington doesn't want you to read" on June 3. These ratings criticize members of Congress in voting for their lackluster efforts in reducing federal government waste, fraud, and abuse.

Private citizens are not afraid to sound off on federal lawmakers squandering taxpayer money and other issues brought up by CCAGW. They assert their cyber voices.

Criticizing politicians for putting little effort into their terms and even falling asleep during votes has become a national trend. Social media fiends have taken to the Internet to express their ire against lazy politicians.

The checks and balances system clearly carries over into the realm of social media. This report is a combination of what many people feel throughout the year. These tweets shine a spotlight on the raw voices that sound off from time to time.

A recent and public example of politicians skipping out on their responsibilities came from Ted Cruz who skipped the vote for Loretta Lynch for Attorney General, despite months of lobbying against her:

Ted Cruz Skipped Loretta Lynch Vote After Months Of Opposition
Ted Cruz Skipped Loretta Lynch Vote After Months Of Opposition

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