Obama's favorability at highest level since 2013

Obama's Favorability At Highest Level Since 2013
Obama's Favorability At Highest Level Since 2013

According to a recently released Gallup poll, President Obama's favorability rating is currently at the highest level it's been since September, 2013. The favorable ratings indicate popularity and are different from job approval ratings which typically tend to be lower.

It's reported 53 percent of Americans have a positive opinion of the commander-in-chief.

Since November 2014, Obama has seen an increase in his favorable ratings across party lines, notably amongst Independents whose view jumped from 35 to 52 percent. Democrats were up 5 percentage points to 90 percent while Republicans were only slightly higher in their opinion with 13 percent overall.

According to Gallup, "The recent increase in how Americans view Obama ... might have something to do with his attempts to bridge various communities in recent months, such as police and racial minorities; Cuba and the U.S.; and members of Congress from both parties who are pro- and anti-trade."

The results were based on telephone interviews with 1,024 adults from May 6-10.

President Barack Obama - Approval Ratings InsideGov

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