Reported murder of pregnant 14-year-old girl sparks movement in Argentina


Chiara Paéz, a pregnant 14-year-old girl from Argentina, was found beaten to death and buried under her boyfriend's house earlier this week, La Nacíon reports.

The girl's 16-year-old boyfriend, Manuel, confessed to killing her when he found out she was pregnant. Police have arrested him and four relatives who reportedly helped him dispose of Paéz's body and cover up the murder.

Paéz's death underscores a larger problem of violence against women. In Argentina alone, a woman dies every 30 hours as a victim of gender violence.

Activists on Twitter are taking action by using the hashtag #NiUnaMenos to inspire government change and increase awareness.

In 2009, the Argentinian government revised its domestic violence legislation to broaden the definition of domestic abuse. In 2012, it revised its criminal code to include femicide as "aggravated homicide," but many activists argue that the laws aren't regularly enforced.

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