Out of control Russian spacecraft expected to crash on Friday

Out Of Control Russian Spacecraft Expected To Crash On Friday
Out Of Control Russian Spacecraft Expected To Crash On Friday

Progress 59P, the Russian spacecraft that started spinning out of control last week, will soon make its way back toward Earth.

The shuttle was filled with supplies and heading toward the International Space Station when it malfunctioned.

It's expected that Progress will come back into the atmosphere on Friday, breaking up as it does so.

Though much of it will burn up upon reentry, falling debris is anticipated.

Exactly where the various pieces will land is unknown, as the spacecraft orbits the planet once every 90 minutes.

An ocean landing site is deemed to be most likely.

According to the head of the debris office at the European Space Agency, there's very little risk that anyone will be hit by the remains of the rogue craft.

The Russian space agency estimates that the total losses resulting from the ship's malfunction will be about 50 million dollars.

Though the supplies headed for the ISS didn't make it there, it's reported that the crew has enough of what they need to last them until the next planned delivery in June of this year.

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