Newscast director's resignation letter really takes the cake

Man Gives Sweetest Resignation Letter... A Cake
Man Gives Sweetest Resignation Letter... A Cake

We've seen some elaborate ways employees have quit their jobs -- but this one takes the cake.

Mark Herman, a newscast director at KOLD in Arizona, handed in the sweetest resignation letter in the form of a cake. "I handed in the most delicious letter of resignation ever," Hermand wrote on Reddit. The post quickly got tons of attention ... and became a breeding ground for loads of cake puns.

"Please accept this cake as formal (and delicious) notice of my resignation from the position of Newscast Director," the cake reads. "My last day of employment will be Friday, May 22nd.'


Herman told blogger Jim Romenesko he knew his colleagues would be disappointed with his departure, so he wanted to soften the blow -- explaining "nobody can be mad or sad at a cake."

He clearly took a recipe out of former UK Immigration Officer Chris Holmes' cookbook. Holmes resigned using a cake, saying he wanted to spend more time on his dessert business.

Quitting isn't always a piece of cake -- when Marina Shifrin quit her job at a digital content production company, she decided she'd do an interpretive dance to break the news. Her employer responded with their own video announcing they were hiring.

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