Five awesome qualities every dancer has

The Story Behind Ballerina Misty Copeland's Bestselling Memoir
The Story Behind Ballerina Misty Copeland's Bestselling Memoir

1. It takes more than physicality to be a great dancer. Without brains, how do you expect us to pick up a 40-count petite allegro and execute it with perfect tempo after watching the teacher mark it only once? Move over Steve Jobs, you've got nothing on Misty.


2. Dancers connect with people all over the world without saying a word. No need to stress a language barrier when our bodies do the talking for us.

Dance isn't just about kicking our legs super high and hitting a perfect split in a leap (not going to lie though that part is pretty fun). It tells stories that people empathize with. It lays bare the deep core of humanity. Pretty deep stuff.

'Let's Dance' 5th Show
'Let's Dance' 5th Show

3. Dancers manage their time like a boss. Growing up, we went straight from school to dance class for about 3 hours and danced all day on weekends. Not to mention traveling like crazy for competitions and auditions.

We figured out how to get our homework done and how to do it well because we're #perfectionists. We killed it in our rehearsals and performances. We also maintained a somewhat sufficient social life (although we met our BFFs through dance). Somehow, we managed all of that while staying sane and getting to sleep at a reasonable hour...usually. Our time managing skills help us crush the college game and succeed in the real world.

2005 CFDA Awards - Press Room
2005 CFDA Awards - Press Room

4. Dancers age ridiculously gracefully. We're always shocked to learn that our gorgeous teacher with the crazy hot bod is actually in her fifties.

Unlike some athletes, we know how to train safely without ruining our hopes of being able to walk in our old age. We have excellent posture, we're insanely flexible, and we eat well...except for the occasional dessert. Okay...the daily dessert. But hey, we deserve it after hours in the studio!

5. Dancers know how to have a good time. All dance kids can attest to this one: dancers are cray!! We linger backstage making funny faces and shaking our butts in an attempt to distract our friends on stage.

During our free time, we get together to play dress up with all of our bedazzled unitards, sparkly bras, and absurd props from former performances. We're the first ones on the dance floor at every bat mitzvah, school dance, or wedding.

We don't try to grow up too soon and our sense of humor is on point. After all, nobody covered in that many sparkles and feathers can take herself too seriously.

Celebs love dancers too! Click through for pictures of stars at ballet gala:

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