Saratoga Springs man recovering after wife found him trapped underneath car

Woman Rescues Husband Trapped Underneath Car
Woman Rescues Husband Trapped Underneath Car

SARATOGA SPRINGS, Utah -- A woman in Saratoga Springs said she got a feeling Monday morning that her husband was in trouble. So she rushed home and ended up saving his life.

According to police, 43-year-old Scott Mayhew was inside his garage on North Taylor Street, working on his car, when the vehicle fell off the jack crushing the man's chest.

For an hour and a half the man laid trapped and injured, yelling for help.

"He said he remembers he could barely breathe and he kept thinking he could hear the cars go by, he didn't know what was going to happen," said Nicole Mayhew, Scott's wife.

Nicole was at work at the time of the accident, when she got a funny feeling she needed to see her husband.

"I just said I need to go check on him working on the car I just believe a spirit told me," Nicole said.

As soon as she pulled into the driveway she knew something was wrong.

"So I got out and I heard my husband say, 'help me love,' and he was in the garage," she said. "I thought, 'it's on him, it's got to be on him, the car,' that's what's in my head, so I knew immediately."

Nicole's instinct was correct. She ran into the garage to find her husband, a father of five, lying underneath the Ford Explorer.

"When I came in he knew I was panicking and he just slowly said, 'I'm OK,' but I knew he was in a lot of pain," Nicole said. "He said call 911 and when he said that I knew it was not good."

She said a neighbor helped use the jack to lift the vehicle, before paramedics arrived.

"He was still talking a little, he couldn't breathe that well at all, it just freaked me out," Nicole said. "He said he kept praying for me to come home."

Scott was flown to University of Utah Hospital. Police said there was concern of possible internal bleeding, but fortunately Nicole got there in time.

"I believe that you know there's angels around us and my religion, my Heavenly Father was with him," Nicole said.

Scott suffered six broken ribs but is expected to make a full recovery.

A fund has been set up to help the family. Click here for more information.

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