Meteorologist explains what a 'fogbow' is

Meteorologist Explains What the Heck a 'Fogbow' Is
Meteorologist Explains What the Heck a 'Fogbow' Is

Fogbows are phenomenons that are rarely spotted -- but what are they? They look like retro, faded rainbows that stayed out in the sun too long and lost their color.

Well, after a fogbow was spotted in Tulsa, the chief meteorologist at our partner station KJRH set out to explain what was up.

"Rainbows occur when raindrops are large enough to refract sunlight into these little individual colors that you see there. ... The water droplets in a fogbow are a lot smaller, and so the refractions aren't as precise, so the light scatters from a fogbow and you get a lot of what you call color overlapping, so it looks dull," he explained.

Now we have to know: If there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, what's at the end of a fogbow?

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