This superintendent's creative snow day announcement has everybody talking

Preston County Schools Cancellation Video Goes Viral
Preston County Schools Cancellation Video Goes Viral

It's been a frigid and snowy winter in the Northeastern U.S. After a week full of snow days, one school superintendent became bored of the redundant cancellation announcements.

To change things up, Steve Wotring delivered the announcement with a creative twist! The announcement came in the form of a song to the melody the famous 'Annie' tune "Tomorrow".

Wotring explains the inspiration came when he was driving in the treacherous weather: "It was a blizzard I was coming through a blizzard. It was cold, it was snowy, it was blowing. I was just frustrated knowing I was going to have to lose another day of instruction,"

Since the impressive musical performance, the video has gone viral. Now the whole world knows about Preston County's snow day.

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