Woman gets her parents' love letter from WWII 70 years later

Woman Gets Her Parents' Love Letter From WWII 70 Years Later
Woman Gets Her Parents' Love Letter From WWII 70 Years Later

A glimpse into the love of two World War II sweethearts. Bill Moore wrote Bernadean Gibson a love letter in 1945 -- a letter that just now made it back into the hands of one of their children.

"'I'm really the luckiest guy in the world, you know. And you are the reason, Bernadean. Even your name sounds lovely to me,' the couple's daughter, Melinda Gale, read from the letter.

"That was the one thing I really remember her talking about was just it meant everything to get that letter," she said of her mother.

"Her mom hung onto them for years," the KMGH reporter said.

"And we can't find them," Gale said.

Now their daughter, Melinda Gale, has at least one of those letters, written by her then-20-year-old father, thanks to a woman who found it with an old record she bought at a thrift shop. That woman, Ilene Ortiz, contacted Colorado's KMGH, who helped find Gale.

"Dad is now 90 years old, so many great, wonderful years together that just going back to the very beginning is always something that's an amazing thing. ... 'I have never ever been so homesick for anyone in all my life as I am for you.' ... This is the most wonderful gift. Amazing. And very, very special."

Gale's parents, who met when Bernadean was still in high school, were married for 63 years before Bernadean died in 2010 and the letters disappeared. Bill now lives in an assisted-care facility for veterans.

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