Obituary blames man's death on Seattle Seahawks' Super Bowl play

Obituary Blames Seahawks For Death
Obituary Blames Seahawks For Death

In many obituaries, families of the deceased choose to omit the cause of death -- but the loved ones of Michael Vedvik from Kent, Washington, decided to include a fictitious (and very unusual) reason for his passing.

They blamed his death on the Seattle Seahawks' play that was intercepted with only seconds left in the game. In the obituary, which was published in the Spokesman-Review newspaper on February 5th, his family gave the typical information about Mike before getting straight to the point.

It reads, "He was a small business owner in Kent, WA and loved his family, work, clients, traveling, the Seahawks and life. We blame the Seahawks lousy play call for Mike's untimely demise."

Mike's wife, Stephanie, has since confirmed that he did pass away only hours after the Super Bowl from a heart attack. However, she said he had recorded the game and didn't have a chance to watch it prior to his death.

Her brother-in-law came up with the idea to add in the line about the Seahawks, and its something Stephanie approves of. She said her late spouse would have found it very funny.

Obituary Blames Man's Death On Seattle Seahawks' Super Bowl Play
Obituary Blames Man's Death On Seattle Seahawks' Super Bowl Play

This isn't the only obituary that has gone viral this week. A family who took the brave step to share their son's cause of death was lauded for telling others about the 'demon' that killed him. The obituary of 26-year-old Alex Hesse became a warning about the dangers of heroin for anyone who reads it.

Another obituary got quite a laugh because it included Norma R. Brewer's 'last joke.' The obituary published in the Connecticut Post stated that Norma R. Brewer, age 83, died while trying to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest peak. It also added that the suspected cause of death was from hypothermia after her dog Mia ate her "warm winter boots and socks."

Brewer actually died from a stroke. Her daughter, Donna Brewer, reflects that her mother told many stories that weren't true but made her laugh.

More to see:
Connecticut woman's obituary included her last joke
Man says he 'can't believe' family is alive after crash
Family uses man's obituary as warning about dangers of heroin addiction
