Photo of firefighters shoveling elderly man's driveway goes viral

Photo Of Firefighters Shoveling Elderly Man's Driveway Goes Viral
Photo Of Firefighters Shoveling Elderly Man's Driveway Goes Viral

In recent weeks, the Midwest has been hit by harsh winter storms. On Sunday, Greenfield, Wisconsin, received about a foot of snow which meant plenty of shoveling.

When an elderly male who was shoveling began experiencing pains in his chest, firefighters from the Greenfield Fire Department responded to the scene and took him to the hospital.

Then, they returned to the man's home and finished the job of shoveling the driveway so his family wouldn't have to worry about it.

As the photo taken by neighbors spread across the Internet, #shovelitforward started taking off.

Using that hashtag, one woman posted about how she helped a neighbor and her mom.

"This is what Midwestern values are all about," the elderly man's daughter said.

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