Cartoonists around the world show support for Charlie Hebdo



Cartoonists have gone to the drawing board after a satirical French newspaper was attacked by terrorists for publishing drawings depicting the Muslim Prophet Muhammad.

As many as three gunman are believed to have stormed the Paris office of Charlie Hebdo, killing 12 and wounding about a dozen more. They reportedly claimed to be terrorists avenging the Prophet.

No matter the language, the sentiment expressed in the cartoons was universal: The drawings should not have led to violence.

From a cartoon that said "newspapers will always fly higher than weapons," to another that depicts a baclava-clad, armed gunman standing over a dead cartoonist with the caption "he drew first."

Millions of people around the world have tweeted #JeSuisCharlie in support of the ailing publication.

New Yorker Cartoon Editor on Charlie Hebdo Attack
New Yorker Cartoon Editor on Charlie Hebdo Attack

Many French media companies have offered equipment, money and staff to keep Charlie Hebdo afloat in the wake of the massacre.

World leaders have condemned the attack, calling it "barbaric," "cold-blooded" and "cowardly."

But illustrations are the symbols that remain most powerful because they are likely what led to Wednesday's attack in the first place.

To view the images of the controversial Charlie Hebdo covers depicting the Prophet Muhammad that are believed to be the motive behind the Paris terror attack, please click through to this story on The Huffington Post. Warning: The images may be offensive to some people.

Related links:
Gunmen who stormed Charlie Hebdo offices, killing 12, have reportedly been arrested
'Je Suis Charlie' message goes viral after Paris attack
Spain increases terror threat level
