Rolling Stone libel lawyer insists resignation not related to UVA rape story



The scandal surrounding Rolling Stone's campus rape story looks to have claimed its first victim at the venerable publication.

Libel attorney Dana Rosen has left Wenner Media, the magazine's publisher, according to the New York Observer. Her departure came only weeks after Rolling Stone published the controversial feature "A Rape on Campus."

The NYU graduate joined in 2006 as the company's first-ever in-house counsel, according to the paper, but left amid upheaval that could have contributed to the story slipping through the cracks in the legal department.

Rosen claimed to the Observer that her departure had nothing to do with the now infamous story detailing a woman's account of an alleged gang rape at the University of Virginia that has since been reported as being inaccurate.

A recent report in the Washington Post came just short of calling the Rolling Stone article a fabrication.

"Really, the dates are irrelevant. My resignation had nothing to do with that story," the lawyer insisted.

Rosen now works for legal trade paper publisher ALM.

"I just had a great opportunity that came up at ALM, and I chose to take it," she continued. "But it really unequivocally had nothing to do with that story."

Rosen also declined to comment on whether she was part of the team that reviewed the campus rape story.

"I'm not going to comment on the process," said Rosen. "That's really all I want to say. Again, it really-unequivocally-had nothing to do with that story. Without a doubt."

A close friend told the Observer that Rosen had to tender a one-month resignation and started at ALM on December 8. The divisive story was already circulating through the legal department at that point.

Deputy editor Will Dana also offered his resignation over the fiasco but was declined by Wenner Media, according to a separate Observer report.

Dana penned the apology published the same day the Washington Post went public with a report insinuating Jackie, the woman at the focal point of the Rolling Stone story, has been inconsistent with her claims.

Friend of 'Jackie' in Rolling Stone Article Speaks Up
Friend of 'Jackie' in Rolling Stone Article Speaks Up

Related links:
Freshman roommate of Rolling Stone rape accuser defends story in letter
Rolling Stone clarifies its apology on UVA story
Advocates fear impact of Rolling Stone apology
