Submit your best street style photo to AOLLifestyle on Snapchat for a chance to win a $500 gift card!


Show off your best street style, outfit of the day, or fashionable selfie by submitting your everyday look to the AOLLifestyle Snapchat for a chance to win a $500 gift card to Nordstrom. You can snap it on the street, in the office, or anywhere you feel fashionable.

This is your chance to showcase your best winter looks! Read on below for instructions about how to add AOLLifestyle on Snapchat. Remember to make your snapchat 10 seconds long when you submit! The sweepstakes will end on November 25th at 5pm.

Complete and official sweepstakes rules below.

How to add AOL Lifestyle on Snapchat

So, you want to add AOL Lifestyle on Snapchat-- but maybe you're a bit new to the game (don't worry, we won't tell anyone). It's really simple and we can help you out.

1. Open up the app-- or download it first if you don't already have it on your phone. From the main camera screen, click the bottom right hand corner icon that may be a number or a lined pattern

2. On the next screen you'll see a miniature person icon with a plus next to it. This is how you add a new friend. Click that.

3. Make sure you've selected the magnifying glass icon at the top of the screen, then enter aollifestyle into the search bar.

4. Add aolliftsyle as a friend by clicking the plus button. You'll see a checkmark when it's confirmed.

Voila! Now you can begin sending and receiving Snapchats.

Complete and official rules here.
