3 everyday grocery items make eco-friendly cleaning products

The Everyday Super Momma
The Everyday Super Momma

When we think of "eco" we think of expensive, but it doesn't have to be. Lifestyle expert Molly Sims and her guest Robyn Casady share how to make your own eco-friendly, green household cleaning solutions at home, all centered around three power ingredients: baking soda, lemon and vinegar.

Try shaking some baking soda down your clogged drain and then adding a squeeze of lemon and splash of vinegar for a simple, smell-good drain clearer. Another great idea: Dot a full lemon with cloves as an eco-friendly moth repellant.

There is also no need to buy window cleaning products. Just mix together the ingredients below in a glass bottle and add a spray top.

No-Streak Window Cleaner
2 cups water
2 Tbsps. vinegar
10-15 drops of your favorite essential oil (Molly loves lavender.)
