'Price Is Right' contestant hilariously overbids a hammock

Worst Price Is Right Bid Ever
Worst Price Is Right Bid Ever

A recent "Price Is Right" bid is being called the worst in the show's 40+ year history.

The other morning, contestants on the classic CBS game show were asked to place a bid on the price of a brand new hammock. The player whose bid is the closest without going over wins that prize. While most bid around $750, a contestant named Corey bid $7,000. The actual retail price was $880.

Since Corey's bid was $6,120 too high, some people online have speculated he wasn't fully aware of the rules. But maybe he is just used to a higher quality hammock. Amazon sells an "Autumnal Bronze Hammock Swing" for nearly $10,000. If the handmade hammock was featured on the game show, Corey would have been the winner!

The price is right, but he was wrong.
