Police officer helps rebuild woman's home after it's burglarized

Police Officer Helps Rebuild Woman's Home After It's Burglarized
Police Officer Helps Rebuild Woman's Home After It's Burglarized

One Arizona woman fell on hard times, but the local police department is helping her back up.

KNXV reports: Linda Tims says she's been burglarized five times in recent months when she got a call from a neighbor -- it had happened again.

"I called the Phoenix Police Department, and Officer Branham showed up and became my guardian angel ..." Linda explained.

That's because Officer Glenn Branham did more than just respond to Tims' most recent call. He went above and beyond to help Tims out.

HLN reports that after the most recent break-in, Officer Branham decided he would help rebuild the woman's house. He got friends and family to replace her kitchen cabinets and the sheet-rock.

"Prior to being an officer I used to be in construction, so I said, 'Let me see what I can do,'" Officer Branham explained.

On top of that, KNXV also helped by obtaining a $1,500 gift certificate from a local furniture shop so Tims could pick out new furniture.

It might surprise you how often emergency responders pitch in with construction around the country.

After a Florida woman was attacked and her home was burned down, WJXT says the local community pitched in, including police officers and firefighters. For three months, they helped her rebuild and start anew.

More broadly, police officers, fire officials and many more all along the coast helped their communities rebuild after Hurricane Sandy hit in 2012.

As for Tims, she says that she's most excited to spend time in her new kitchen -- and as for repaying Branham? He says a batch of cookies will make things even.

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