Mystery of wedding rings tied to balloons solved

Mystery Of Wedding Rings Tied To Balloons Solved
Mystery Of Wedding Rings Tied To Balloons Solved

In early July, two boys in Alabama found an engagement ring and a wedding ring attached to two deflated helium balloons that fell right into their yard -- and their discovery started a search for the rings' owner.

Melany Weeks, whose sons found the rings, told that she originally believed the balloons were left over from a neighbor's birthday party. However, when she sent her sons out to put the balloons in the trash, they were shocked to find the rings attached without a note.

Weeks turned the rings over to the local police department and spread word on social media and in the local newspaper, the Journal Record, about what she found.

It wasn't until WBRC reported on the rings almost two weeks after and asked for information about the mystery owner on its Facebook page that a woman came forward saying the rings were hers.

Caley Burkett and her fiancé, Stiles Blevins, explained to the outlet that the rings were from Burkett's previous marriage.

"Letting go, you know, of the past. You don't need something like that," Burkett said.

"We didn't want money for them. Just that night we came home after a bonfire about 12:30, maybe 1, walked to the bottom of the hill and let them go," Blevins added.

We have to say, we think Burkett took the mature route when it came time to say goodbye to reminders of a past relationship.

In fact, eHarmony advises all people getting out of failed relationships to get rid of any reminders of their exes and start fresh. It also encourages people to stay active, spend time with friends and not rush into a new relationship too quickly.

As for the rings, Burkett told WBRC she doesn't want them back. She and Blevins are set to tie the knot this Halloween.

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